Workshops & Panels

Want a more hands-on event to learn some practical skills? Where the conversation can get more real?  These were the 2022 Workshops & Panels!

Breakout Sessions 1 (12:00 - 12:50 pm)

Francie Hunt, Planned Parenthood

Surviving and Thriving Under a Southern 'Theocracy' in a Post-Roe World    - Room A1

Under an anti-choice supermajority in Tennessee General Assembly and with the overturning of Roe v Wade, thousands of pregnant people must flee the South for reproductive health care or be forced to give birth. In this workshop, we will explore the notion of theocracy, the ethics of abortion, how to have conversations about abortion, ways to protect people seeking care, and how to build a powerful voice for sexual and reproductive health. 

Chuck Miller, law enforcement expert

Police Reform: A Humanist Concern    - Room A2

In this workshop we will explore the disfunctions of policing, explore your feelings about police as part of the community of nones, and offer a call to action to promote reform in our local communities. 

Celebrant Workshop:  Living and Dying Well  with humanist memorials    - Room B

A panel talking about end-of-life decisions, issues, and ideas how to interact with them as a non-religious person. 

Dave Warnock, humanist celebrant, former pastor, Dying Out Loud, author

Mandisa Thomas, Humanist Society-certified humanist celebrant, speaker

Gayle Jordan, humanist celebrant, Recovering from Religion director

Andy Dufek, moderator, Dying Well workshops, trained end-of-life doula, with Atlanta Death Café 

Dr. Kalai Mugilan, sociologist  

Building Humanist Community in your Community  - Room C

This Workshop will show how to form connections, communications, and the many tools and support available to form your own group where you live. 

Breakout Sessions 2 (1:00 - 1:50 pm)

Steven Phelps, songwriter

Songs for Everynone    - Room A1   (1:00 - 1:50 pm) 

An accomplished secular songwriter, Steven will present a fun sampling of original musical "offerings" that span the continuum from strident resistance to religion to softer humanist efforts to find common ground. 

Panel:  The Ethics of Abortion     - Room A2   (1:00 - 1:50 pm) 

Recovering from Religion director, attorney

Equal Rights Advocate for the Tri-State Freethinkers, activist, student 

Francie Hunt

Diversity Panel: Building a Better Community - Room(1:00 - 1:50 pm) 

With the rise of Christian Nationalism and White Supremacy in the courts and our communities, how are we as a secular community improving our diversity and inclusion, but also leading with our values?  Please join us for this very important discussion.

Mandisa Thomas, moderator

Dr Marisa Richmond, LGBT rights activist, history professor 

Arden Hart, trans activist

Monica Burns, Black Nonbelievers of Louisville

Bob Swanson, science educator

Teaching CRT (Critical, Rational Thinking) to kids   - Room C    (1:00 - 1:50 pm) 

Our kids are growing up in the information age. What is the best way to make sure they can distinguish reliable information from misinformation? Parent, teacher and children's entertainer Bob Swanson will share strategies for teaching critical skills in the classroom and around the dinner table in this fun, informative session. 

Breakout Sessions 3 (2:15 - 3:05 pm)

Three Ex-Pastors Go See A Shrink   - Room A  (2:15 - 3:05 pm)

Sit in on a free-wheeling group therapy session as the confessions pour out and a humanity-affirming cure is sought for what ails us all.

Dave Warnock

Cass Midgley

James Croft

Jeanine Allaire Bernache

Recovering from Sexual Shame and Purity Culture  - Room B  (2:15 - 3:05 pm)

Gayle, director of Recovering from Religion, former Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher, and mother of four, and Alice, author of "Wayward: A Memoir of Spiritual Warfare and Sexual Purity" in conversation with Seth Andrews, author and host of The Thinking Atheist podcast.  

Recovering from Religion director, former Southern Baptist 

Alice Greczyn

Actor, author, founder of @DaretoDoubt  

The Thinking Atheist podcast, author, keynote speaker

Jen Scott, of American Atheists

Why Atheists Need To Get Organized (And How We’re Doing It)     Room C  (2:15 - 3:05 pm)

Why do non-religious people need to organize? Isn’t that just like organized religion without the god stuff? Put simply, no. Atheists and nonbelievers organize at the local, regional and national level for some very important reasons.  Learn why, and how!